Author: Steve Cavanagh
Publisher: Atria Books
Released: March 19, 2024
Received: Own (BOTM)
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We’ve all heard the story – two strangers meet by chance, realize they have something in common, and that they can do something about their woes together. Enter Amanda and Wendy. They met by chance at a grief counseling group, but it isn’t their grief that unites them. It’s their desire for revenge.

Meanwhile, in another city, Ruth is having her life torn apart. It started as a usual Friday night – with her husband leaving her home alone. Unfortunately, she isn’t alone for long, as she is brutally attacked in the night. Now, she can’t stop thinking about that blue-eyed monster.


If there’s one thing I can say about Kill for Me, Kill for You, it’s an entirely unique experience to read. It’s dark and emotional, but it’s also more than that. This novel has many familiar notes (Strangers on a Train, Memento, Gone Girl, etc.), but despite these similarities, it does stand on its own.

I think the thing I liked the most about Kill for Me, Kill for You is that it never went how I expected. After each reveal, I remember thinking, “Ohhh, okay, that’s how this will play out,” only for another bend in the road to change everything.

Likewise, I adored the characters in this novel. They’re well written, especially Amanda, whose grief felt so real and human. I also really enjoyed the detective’s perspective. I don’t find myself saying this often, but I wish we had gotten to see more from his point of view. I’m not saying that because I liked his character (though I did – think big teddy bear detective).

Kill for Me, Kill for You is perfect if you’re looking for a read that is twisted as it is eerily familiar. It’ll keep you on the edge of your seat, that much I can promise you.


  • Hitchcock-inspired
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Strangers on a Train meets Memento

Trigger Warnings:

  • Loss of a child/spouse
  • Serial killer
  • Stalking

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