It’s Book Tag Day! Sorry, I took a bit of a break there, but I needed a break from…well, pretty much everything! But I’m back now. This book tag was created by Megan Oliver. Let’s dive in!

Where do you buy your books?

A little bit of everywhere, or so it feels! I get a lot of my thrillers and new releases from BOTM and Aardvark. Meanwhile, my special editions I get through OwlCrate…or Pango Books if I want to get a book from a box I’m not subbed to. I also get books through regular outlets, like BAM and B&N.

Do you ever preorder books, and if you do, do you do this in-store or online?

All the time! I have to keep a spreadsheet going so I don’t accidentally double-pre-order a book. It’s bad. I usually preorder online, mostly because it’s easier (I can add the receipt link to my spreadsheet, etc.).

On average, how many books do you buy a month?

Uh…Why do you have to call me out like that?! But seriously, I’m not 100% sure. The amount shifts depending on how many releases are coming out in a given month. I buy at least 15 books, but sometimes it’s closer to 30 (especially if a lot of comics/manga comes out that month).

Do you use your local library?

Yes! I love my local library SO much. They have a great selection of books, the kindest librarian, and a bunch of fun events that I enjoy attending.

If so – how many books can you/do you borrow at a time?

I’ll be honest: I have intentionally avoided finding the book cap. It’s healthier (for me) not to know that number. That said, I have borrowed over ten books at a time, and nobody said anything, so the number is in the double digits.

On average, I’ll have between five and ten library books. My library is the reason I can afford to read so much manga, so that’s the bulk of what I get. I also nab new releases that I didn’t want to drop $30 on (sorry, but it does happen!).

What is your opinion on library books?

This is a complicated question. Obviously, I love library books (see above). But there’s also a growing problem in the library world, and we need to talk about it more. Publishers charge libraries an absurd amount for digital copies (with limited loans). You should read up on it if you want to learn more, as I’m probably not the best source to explain it all. I’ve basically shifted to exclusively borrowing physical books until it all gets sorted out.

How do you feel about charity shops/second-hand books?

I’m totally fine with it! Though I’m usually the one donating, not picking up, I love donating books. It helps reduce my stash and makes it possible for people to afford reasonably priced books. Win-win!

Do you keep your read and TBR pile together/on the same bookshelf or not?

No! I would completely lose my place if I did that. I try to keep all of the read/unread separate if only so I have a good idea of what I can choose to read next. Is my TBR shelf completely exploding with books? Yes. Am I going to change my system? No.

Do you plan to read all the books you own?

That’s the goal! Whether or not I succeed is an entirely different question.

What do you do with books you own that you feel you’ll never read/felt you didn’t enjoy?

Last year, I adopted a new system to offload books, which seems to work well for me. First, I list any books I don’t want on Pango Books (a second-hand book site). I usually list the books cheaply for them to move (think $4 for a hardcover). If they have yet to sell by the time the next library book sale comes around (once a season), I’ll enlist the books, pack them up, and donate them to the sale. This way, I always have books moving out to make space for new ones.

Have you ever donated books?

Yes! All the time. See above.

Have you ever been on a book-buying ban?

Technically, I’m on one now, but it has so many exceptions that it’s not effective. My ban doesn’t count toward preorders, book boxes, or library books. Um. Yeah. I probably need to actually do a proper ban soon. Ugh.

Do you feel that you buy too many books?

Is there such a thing as too many books? (How many books can you stack before it becomes a safety hazard?). I’ve been trying to cut down on my book-buying habits, but it’s tough – there are SO MANY good books out in the world.

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