Series: This Dark Descent #1
Author: Kalyn Josephson
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Released: September 26, 2023
Received: Own (OwlCrate)

3 1/2 kitties

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Book Summary:

Mikira’s family used to be famous for breeding enchanted horses. Unfortunately, the times have changed, and her family is slowly drowning in debt. There’s nothing slow about the drowning, not with a certain Lord determined to take everything they have.

For a moment, it looked like Mikira was going to lose everything. Then Damien Adair stepped into her world, bringing Arielle Kadar with him. Together, they have what it takes to help Mikira regain her family’s legacy. The question is, will she trust them to get her through this?

My Review:

Okay, you put any book in front of my face and promise that it’s an equestrian version of Six of Crows, and you know I’m going to read it. That said, I want to preface this review by saying I didn’t end up loving This Dark Descent quite as much as I liked.

This Dark Descent is broken into multiple perspectives. The two dominant perspectives are Mikira’s and Arielle’s. I really enjoyed how different their worldviews were. I wish we had gotten more time to know each character before things started.

For me, the horse race is both the best and worst parts of the book. Best, because it’s daring and dramatic. It also has some of the best pacing for the novel. Unfortunately, the race also comes with a few triggering events (on this note, if you don’t want to read about animals dying, skip this book).

Overall, This Dark Descent has a straightforward plot. I won’t say it’s predictable (though readers will see certain twists coming). I enjoyed certain elements, even while I struggled to stay connected. It is still worth the read for the magical system and characters.


  • Magical World
  • Teaming Up to Change the World
  • Horse Race Meets Magic

Trigger Warnings:

  • Animal Violence/Death

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